تدريسي في قسم هندسة الميكاترونكس ينشر بحثاً في مجلة ((International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology )) .

نشر الدكتور ماهر يحيى سلوم التدريسي في كليتنا / قسم هندسة الميكاترونكس , بحثه الموسوم :

Intelligent Magneto – Rheological Fluid Directional Control Valve


في مجلة (International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology )

ويدور البحث حول :

There are many configurations of directional control valve. Directional control valve has complex construction, such as moving spool to control the direction of actuator and desired speed. Magneto-rheological (MR) fluid is one of controllable fluids. Utilizing the MR fluid properties, direct interface can be realized between magnetic field and fluid power without the need for moving parts like spool in directional control valves. This paper presents the design of multi configuration MR directional control valve. The construction and the principle of work of the valve are presented. The experiment was conducted to show the working principle of the valve functionally. The valve worked proportionally to control the direction and speed of hydraulic actuator. The result demonstrated the operation of MR directional valve in eight configurations. The MR directional valve can replace many types of the spool directional control valve for controlling hydraulic actuator.

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