تدريسي في قسم هندسة المعلومات و الاتصالات ينشر كتاب في دار النشر ( Lambert )

حرصا على تقديم ما يليق بسمعة الكلية و الجامعة من خلال البحث العلمي و المشاركات العلمية  نشر التدريسي في كليتنا / قسم هندسة المعلومات و الاتصالات /م.م. عادل فاضل مشتت , كتابه الموسوم :

Design, Implementation and Test of Short-Range Wireless Networks

في دار النشر LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing العالمي , متمنين لكافة التدريسين دوام الموفقية و الابداع .


Wireless sensor networks are expected to become ubiquitous part of our life applications. As a result, several technologies were established to cover the need of the market. Two of the most important technologies are ZigBee and EnOcean. So, due to the fast development and increasing importance of wireless sensor networks in the market and commercial fields, it becomes very important for graduate and undergraduate students to deal with these emerging technologies. The goal of this work is to create and develop an educational research suitable for gaining an experience and teaching a realistic wireless sensor networks environments by design, implement and test various experiments related to EnOcean and ZigBee protocols. The experiments carried out examined various concepts related to these protocols such as in EnOcean: sensing, repeating applications, remote management simulation, telegram transmission simulation, sub-telegram verification, telegram analysis and with regard to ZigBee: setup ZigBee  network, extend it,joining, moving, deleting the mobile nodes within the network, network management (Polling),device and service discovery, Binding mechanism and finally data routing between nodes.

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