تدريسي في كلية الهندسة الخوارزمي ينشر بحثان في مؤتمرين علميين
نشر التدريسي في كليتنا م.م. علي حيدر مهدي / قسم هندسة المعلومات والاتصالات، وطالب الدكتوراه في جامعة Ilmenau الالمانية بحثين في مؤتمرين علميين:
البحث الاول (Self-Organized Cognitive Engine Based on Q-Learning) ,
في مؤتمر(( IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING CONFERENCE,2014 )) وتم نشر هذا البحث على موقع (IEEE)
The ever-increasing need for higher data rates in multimedia services and applications leads to stringent requirements on the bit rate/km2 that next-generation cellular wireless networks are expected to deliver. This increasing trend has urged mobile operators to examine new ways for improving their coverage and boosting their network capacities. A promising approach to this challenge is the dense deployment of short range, low-power and low-cost base stations or access points in conjunction with the macrocellular network, as well as relays, distributed antennas and radio remote heads. However, the Capital and Operating Expenditures (CAPEX and OPEX) of such heterogeneous networks increase with the increasing number of nodes.
The solution to this problem is the deployment of Self-Organizing Networks (SONETs). SONETs represent a novel paradigm based on the deployment of networks with self-organized functionalists. There are significant technical problems that need to be addressed for the successful deployment and operation of SONETs. In particular, time-, frequency- and spatial-domain interference management is a fundamental issue. To deal with increasing peak data demands, SONETs design should be self organized based on interference/load/congestion levels, dynamically adapting their transmissions and using smart traffic offloading strategies onto licensed/unlicensed bands. The IEEE International Workshop on Self-Organizing Networks (SONETs) offers an excellent opportunity for academic and industrial researchers to spread and share the latest results and understandings for rendering wireless networks more efficient in terms of capacity, coverage, Quality-of-Service performance and energy consumption.
والبحث الثاني (Improving Cognitive Radio Link Adaptation for Avoiding Interference with Passive Primary Users) ,
في مؤتمر ((10th international Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference,2014)) وتم نشره ايضا على موقع مجلة (IEEE)

, يدور البحث حول :
The main challenge for Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs) is avoiding interference with PUs caused by unlicensed access, especially in any disaster where the Cognitive Radio (CR) nodes may lose the connection to the data base entity. To cope with this challenge, each CR node depends on its observations, such as Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) and Signal Strength (SS), to define the free channel. However, this scheme is not efficient because there is a probability of interfering with the passive licensed users. In this paper, we develop a link adaptation approach in CR which estimates the distance to the nearest passive primary user and adapts the link configuration parameters to avoid any possible interference. The results show an improvement in Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR) and Bit Error Rate (BER) at all possible passive primary users compared to the literature, without a degradation in the Quality of Service (QoS) requirement of unlicensed users.
نشر التدريسي في كليتنا م.م. علي حيدر مهدي / قسم هندسة المعلومات والاتصالات، وطالب الدكتوراه في جامعة Ilmenau الالمانية بحثين في مؤتمرين علميين:
البحث الاول (Self-Organized Cognitive Engine Based on Q-Learning) ,
في مؤتمر(( IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING CONFERENCE,2014 )) وتم نشر هذا البحث على موقع (IEEE)
The ever-increasing need for higher data rates in multimedia services and applications leads to stringent requirements on the bit rate/km2 that next-generation cellular wireless networks are expected to deliver. This increasing trend has urged mobile operators to examine new ways for improving their coverage and boosting their network capacities. A promising approach to this challenge is the dense deployment of short range, low-power and low-cost base stations or access points in conjunction with the macrocellular network, as well as relays, distributed antennas and radio remote heads. However, the Capital and Operating Expenditures (CAPEX and OPEX) of such heterogeneous networks increase with the increasing number of nodes.
The solution to this problem is the deployment of Self-Organizing Networks (SONETs). SONETs represent a novel paradigm based on the deployment of networks with self-organized functionalists. There are significant technical problems that need to be addressed for the successful deployment and operation of SONETs. In particular, time-, frequency- and spatial-domain interference management is a fundamental issue. To deal with increasing peak data demands, SONETs design should be self organized based on interference/load/congestion levels, dynamically adapting their transmissions and using smart traffic offloading strategies onto licensed/unlicensed bands. The IEEE International Workshop on Self-Organizing Networks (SONETs) offers an excellent opportunity for academic and industrial researchers to spread and share the latest results and understandings for rendering wireless networks more efficient in terms of capacity, coverage, Quality-of-Service performance and energy consumption.
والبحث الثاني (Improving Cognitive Radio Link Adaptation for Avoiding Interference with Passive Primary Users) ,
في مؤتمر ((10th international Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference,2014)) وتم نشره ايضا على موقع مجلة (IEEE)

, يدور البحث حول :
The main challenge for Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs) is avoiding interference with PUs caused by unlicensed access, especially in any disaster where the Cognitive Radio (CR) nodes may lose the connection to the data base entity. To cope with this challenge, each CR node depends on its observations, such as Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) and Signal Strength (SS), to define the free channel. However, this scheme is not efficient because there is a probability of interfering with the passive licensed users. In this paper, we develop a link adaptation approach in CR which estimates the distance to the nearest passive primary user and adapts the link configuration parameters to avoid any possible interference. The results show an improvement in Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR) and Bit Error Rate (BER) at all possible passive primary users compared to the literature, without a degradation in the Quality of Service (QoS) requirement of unlicensed users.